Local Design Firm's Updates
Some Adelaide Design firms have made some interesting updates since I last checked them (which is more than can be said for this site in the last month or so!) Voice Design have the latest Adelaide Symphony Orchestra season brochure up, once again they take it in interesting directions with splashes of colour and woodblock type in heavy use, also check out their publication design for local artist/photographer Mark Kimber. Nicknack have their rather splendid LMC identity work up (complete with handsome custom typeface) and some more excellent hand drawn Nike material. Jorgensen Design has become Thiink with a new website and lots of great work on display. Fusion's 'Adelaide Lantern' was finally unveiled to great acclaim and excitement, it really is quite a beautiful and exciting edition to the inner city. Both Sector7g and Detour both appear to have some updated work as well, some excellent work coming out of this little town.