Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Recent Surfing Highlights 12

A collection of 'the greatest album covers from the 70s' as selected by a panel of distinguished art directors, designers, photographers and editors in a 1991 issue of Rolling Stone magazine. Not too many arguments over the selection.

I love me some Mambo gear, one of the few companies that have been able over the years to portray an Australian perspective in art and design. They have a new site up, and as is to be expected, it's great.

Why design goes wrong, find out here why it all so often goes pear shaped.

And on a similar note, the top ten things they didn't teach you in design school here. I could probably add a few things.

The Adelaide Art Directors had their awards ceremony the other night, as usual, some nice work from design firms Parallax and Black Squid weren't enough to perk up a pretty lacklustre collection, especially from the advertsing side. Judge for yourself and download the 'winners' catalogue.

An Australian icon, the Sydney Opera house has had a rebrand courtesy of that clever English chappy Vince Frost.

Clever cat catches the bus daily to the local fish and chip shop. Your cat wants Whiting with minimum chips.

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